Penn Museum Wedding - Magge & Matt

When you have your wedding at Penn Museum, you know that you are in for a treat, and Magge and Matt's offbeat personalities made their wedding day truly extraordinary. As a photographer, I was lucky enough to capture a ton of unique and beautiful portraits of the couple surrounded by cherry blossoms and overflowing with love.

Magge and Matt first met at a mutual friend's birthday party, where Magge kept running up to Matt and giving him the finger. Despite this unusual introduction, the two hit it off and have been together ever since.

One of the things that Matt loves most about Magge is her grace and her ability to make people feel cared for with little gestures like bringing plants or offering gifts to friends and family. He also can't help but smile when Magge says "Hii" in her texts to him, as if she's really excited to talk to him. It was this small detail that first made Matt think that Magge liked him, and it still brings a smile to his face every time.

Looking ahead, Magge and Matt aren't quite sure where they'll be in 10 years. They've spent most of their relationship on one adventure after the next, and while they're currently in the process of buying a house and settling into salaried jobs for the first time, they're open to whatever the future holds. They know that as long as they're together, they'll be happy and have fun no matter what.

It was a pleasure to witness Magge and Matt's love for each other and capture these special moments for them to cherish for years to come. Their wedding day was truly a celebration of their unique and wonderful relationship, and I was honored to be a part of it all.


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